‘Ethics of Coffee’ Event, July 25
Coffee is the quintessential “thing” that even dictionaries will reach for when thinking of a definition of “commodity.” From farming, to sourcing, to trading, to roasting—coffee makes the very idea of a supply-chain more concrete for the discerning consumer. It’s also just damn delicious ☕️ That’s why I’m excited to be co-organizing ‘Ethics of Coffee,’ a @ypinseattle event at @lamarzocco.usa in Ballard, on July 25. We’ll taste yummy roasts in an intimate setting while delving into the ethics of coffee production, from bean to barista. Featuring: @atlas_coffee, @boonboonacoffee, @olympiacoffee, @ondaorigins, @seattlecoffeeworks, @zokacoffee and @coffeeatlarge, who will help us think about … Continue reading “‘Ethics of Coffee’ Event, July 25” →